DarkeMUD Clan and Cross Training System
- Clans are run totally by the players.
- To start a clan you must be above level 25 and not a GM!
The clan leader invites who he wants, ad is the head
of the clan.
- No player can join the clan if he or she is within 8 levels
of the leader.
- What about GM's... well since they can't form clans...
They CAN join clans, of course. In addition, guildmasters are charged with the task of keeping
order, ie, not letting clans take over the mud. How well
they do this, of course, depends on them. Basically the tools
at their disposal are their allegiances (if any) to other guildmasters,
and their ability to put members of their guild in "bad standing,"
which increases the training cost for that player (Punish/Banish).
The basic idea is to move the center to clans from guilds.
Encourage role play interaction and to have fun. Clans will
want to be well rounded and have most every guild in their
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions mail ME
not all of the arch's.
You can thank Warsyn for coming up with the clan system design.
++Drizzt 7/3/96