There are a variety of races on DarkeMUD. Races get bonuses
to stats and get special abilities, i.e. faster healing, ambidexterity, night vision, multiple
limbs, etc. The races
are balanced by experience point modifiers. Some races are
very versatile and others are really only suited for particular guilds. Select a race carefully and make sure it suits the type
of guild you wish to join, i.e. an ogre would be a bad choice
for a race if you want to be an arch-mage, not to say it's not
possible to do it, just very hard. Here's a selection of races currently on DarkeMUD:
RACES | ||
Elven Races: |
Sylvan/Faerie Races: |
Dwarven Races: |
Duergar | ||
Hill-Dwarf | ||
Mountain-Dwarf | ||
Halfling Races: |
Giant Races: | Human Races: |
Hill-Giant | High-man | |
Storm-Giant | Mathere | |
Ogre | ||
Gnome Races: |
Elemental Races |
Troll Races: |
Forest-Gnome | Nereid | Forest-Troll |
Hill-Gnome | Pech | Rock-Troll |
Svirfnebli | Salamander | Swamp-Troll |
Foul Races: |
Animal Races: |
Gromek Races: |
Half-Orc | Gerudan | Blue-Gromek |
Orc | Gnoll | Brown-Gromek |
Goblin | Thranx | Grey-Gromek |
Kobold | Vulfen | Red-Gromek |
Dauthi | ||
Ethereal Races: | ||
There are many guilds in DarkeMUD. Guilds are a very important
part DarkeMUD. First, guild unity is very big. Guild members
look out for each other. There will be a guildmaster and guild
representatives. You can join a guild by going to the location
of the guild, and if the guildmaster is there and a mob just
say guildmaster, join
If the guildmaster tells you that you may now join, just type:
Some guilds lean towards partying and some towards soloing.
Try to match your guild with your race as noted above.
Guilds are where you learn skills and spells by spending
development points. Guilds also determine how many combat dev points and
magic dev points you get and how fast you gain those.
Guilds are divided into Mundane, semi-spellcaster and pure spellcaster. Pure spellcasters are those guilds that gain most development points in magic and less then the other guilds in combat.
Fighter | Chaotic-Lord | Arch-Mage |
Thief | Nightblade | Elementalist |
Tinker | Paladin | Enchanter |
Sword-Mage | Necromancer | |
War-Priest | Cleric of Risla | |
There are eleven stats. Stats scores range from 1-110. Stats are later modified by racial bonuses and minuses. Later on you can have stats modified by spells, deathcheck and other things. Stats also give bonuses to skills and are considered the base. To look at your stats during the game, type: stats
NOTE: There is no suicide command but a temple can be found 3 west from Akkad. You have to be atleast 8 hours old (online time) to rebirth (suicide) because players would abuse it to get better stats. BUT you can ask an arch to delete you if your stats really suck.
Below is a listing of the stats and their importance to you. Each stat is separate and will have some influence upon you in the game. Players will not be given any form of reimb or reinc when game changes are made which begin using different stats, including the new stats, so create your character carefully. Here are the stats.
charisma - This is a measure of the leadership ability of your character.
comliness - This is a measure of the physical attractiveness of your character.
constitution - The general physical health of your character. Healthy charaacters will heal faster. Also makes you endure combat longer.
dexterity - Your fine motor skills. Having high dexterity will help you combat when attacking and dodging for instance.
endurance - Your ability to perform physical activity for extended periods of time. This includes physically fighting, moving, and the use of skills.
intelligence - Your ability to reason and understand complex ideas or problems. Also measures how much magic you are able to cast.
memory - Your ability to remember events, names, and other details. May deal with mana aswell.
reactions - This governs your ability to react to situations quickly. Having good reactions gives you an advantage in battle.
strength - This is your ability to lift and carry heavy objects. The stronger you are the more you can carry, the more damage you will do in battle, and allow you to use heavier weapons more effectively. Also allows you to endure fights longer.
willpower - Your ability to withstand both physical and mental difficulties.
wisdom - One's ability to think carefully and speak with words that carry truth and reason.
You may start combat with any monster or player by typing: kill. Note that once you attack something, you will
ALWAYS attack each other on sight until one of you dies, logs off,
or both players type stop hunting.(Monsters will not stop).
B. To Hit Chance
Of course, in order to damage your opponent, you must hit him or
her. Your chance of doing so depends on a number of factors:
a. Your skill with the weapon(s) -- using a weapon with which you
have no skill incurs a LARGE penalty.
b. The hand in which you wield the weapon...unless your race is
ambidextrous, you hit better with the limb you favor. To find
out which hand you favor type: score
c. How many weapons you are wielding. Wielding more than one weapon
also incurs a large penalty, though you may attack with both at
d. How well you can see in the room. If you don't seem to be
hitting well, light a torch a few torches, or cast a light
spell. Races with dark vision don't need to worry about how
much light is in a room.
e. Your attack skill. All guilds get this skill. This skill
determines your base chance to hit with any weapon or in melee
combat. All of the above are modifiers to this chance to hit.
Note: Certain higher-level skills can offset the penalties for
attacking with multiple or offhand weapons(offhand training,
dual attack, etc.).
C. Hit Points & Damage
Every player and monster has a certain amount of hit points (hp),
of which they must be deprived if they are to die. In addition,
every living thing has a body, and certain limbs may take damage
and be severed. The effects of severed limbs depends on the
limb... you may not fly without wings, fight without arms, etc.
If you get a limb severed and you're not a troll go to the
hospital. It's right next to the church. The hospital can
restore lost limbs, cleanse poison, and even transfuse blood...
all for a price of course. There are also several other ways to
die without having your hp reduced to 0, and, perhaps even worse,
several ways to have your hp reduced by a great amount in one
The amount of damage you do in combat is based on your weapon
and how good it is. Certain skills are capable of ascertaining
the quality of weapons. Most of the time, you can expect not to
have more than 10 pts of damage done to you even on a good hit,
but there are SEVERAL exceptions. If you are attacking
bare-handed, damage is based only on your strength, melee skill,
and martial arts skill, if any.
Damage may be prevented by armor. Armor is necessary if you
wish to fight difficult monsters without instantly slain.
Several different types of armor are available, all with
different merits. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory, for
instance, leather armor is great against cutting wpns but watch
out for clubs and maces. Plate is good against most weapons,
but electrical spells can still rock your world. Several spells
also provide protection against damage.
D. Critical Hits
The better a weapon is and the better your skill with it, the
greater the chance of incurring a critical hit. The results of
the critical hit depend on the weapon you are using (or melee and
martial arts skill if no weapon), your skill with that weapon,
and your opponent's armor. For instance blunt weapons often stun
opponents, while cutting weapons tend to lacerate and sometimes
even lop off limbs. On extremely rare occasions, critical hits
can kill outright! They can also do continuing damage,
temporarily lower stats and combat skills, or stun you.(Stun is
nasty!) You will notice that this is not so rare if you try to
attack a powerful monster with no armor!
Basically, the critical hit system is a large part of what
makes combat on DarkeMUD so colorful. There are probably upwards
of several thousand possible critical hit results with more on
the way.
E. Thrown Weapons
Some weapons (knives, daggers, and hand axes) may be thrown. To
do so, just type: throw
By the way, food and drink drastically improve your character's hp
and mp regeneration rate! Every good adventurer should carry
around lots of rations and one waterskin (waterskins can be
bought at the cleric's guild). Fill waterskins at vats of water,
in streams, at fountains, etc. (just type:fill waterskin).
Also, try the tavern on the west side of town.
Combat is the major source of experience on this mud. However, you
do not get the experience instantly with the kill. Read the
chapter on Experience (IV) further down in this document.
You lose the weapon by doing so, but hits inflict much more damage
than just wielding the weapon, and there is a greater chance of
inflicting a critical hit.
Note: As of this writing, bows are not available, though the
skill is available. Bows will be instituted later on down the
F. Food & Drink
G. Experience
Spells are learned at the player's guild, obviously meaning you must
join a guild before you can learn spells. With the permission of the
guildmaster, you may learn spells at other guilds, at increased cost.
Spells are learned by power levels, which range from 1 to 6. You may
find the development cost of a spell by typing: help spell (spell name)
The cost of training a spell is the development cost times the level
you wish to attain. If you have developed it once already at your
level, the cost is equal to the fast development cost times the level.
If you wish to train more than twice in a level, the cost is
cumulative. For example, the spell Cure Light Wounds has a
development cost of 7 and a fast development cost of 25.
Train: Cost:
Not implimented yet.
B. Spell Casting Skills
The spell power level only determines the maximum power level at which
you may cast a spell and has nothing to do with your chance of success
in spellcasting. This is determined by the spell casting skill. To
see which skill is necessary for a spell, type: help spell {spell name}
If you do not have the necessary skill, you will not be able to cast a
At its most basic level, the skill in casting represents a percent
chance that you will succeed in casting at any particular time. Note
that you have a 4% chance of fumbling a spell and decreases as you
advance the skill. Spell casting skills are trained similarly to any
other skill and are usually quite costly. Oh, the price of power!
There is always a 4% chance of fumbling, but this chance decreases as
your spell casting skill raises. The effects of the fumble vary with
the spell itself... combat spells go off at a random target, area
spells hit people in your party by accident, heal spells harm
instead, etc. Basically this is here to keep you on your toes and to
counterbalance the power of spellcasting guilds against the
combat-oriented guilds.
C. Casting Spells
Casting spells is accomplished by using the cast command. While casting
the spell, you supply the target (if necessary) and the power level.
Note that you cannot cast a spell at a power level greater than the one
at which you know it. For example, if you want to cast the magic
missile spell at a snowman at power level 4, you would type:
cast *4 magic missile at snowman
To bind a demon to a sword:
cast *5 demon sword at demon with sword
To cast a blizzard (area effect attack spell)
cast *5 blizzard
Ok, while we're here, let's talk about the alias command, which is
very helpful for spellcasters and everyone else in general. The
alias command sets up shortcut keystrokes for executing certain
other commands. For example, when you type: n You go north.
N is an alias for north. In the above example the mage could use
alias like this:
alias mm cast *4 magic missile at $*
The exception is if you have the concentrate skill which semi
and spell casting guilds have it.
Once the spell goes off, the effects (whatever they may be) are
resolved. If you fail the spell, you still lose HALF of the magic
points (mp) equal to the power level of the spell times the base
mp cost. Note that if you move while you are in the middle of
casting a spell, the spell is interrupted, or there is no target
you suffer no mp loss.
If you know a casting skill for a particular spell at 75% or more,
you may cast that spell silently. When you begin casting the
spell, only sorcerers with the spell sense skill will be able to
tell if you are casting. Others will be completely blind to the
casting, allowing you to surprise them.
If you know a casting skill for a particular spell at 90% or
more, you may move while casting. Basically, after you begin
casting a spell, you may move freely about until the spell goes
off without interrupting the spell. If you are creative enough,
you can figure out several ways to exploit this fact.
Certain (in fact, most) spells may be resisted. In some cases,
resisting a spell means that you suffer no effects at all, while
in some cases, the effects are merely reduced. The chance of
resisting a spell depends on the target's stats. Higher
constitution, intelligence, and wisdom help particularly. Also,
certain races can have some magical resistance.
Certain spells summon creatures which you then control. These
include undead, elementals, and demons. These are 'pets'.
They can become quite powerful. Type: help pet for more info.
By doing this, the player can cast his magic missile spell at power
level 4 at the snowman by just typing:
mm snowman
$* is a variable for anything that comes after the initial command.
Another example of alias command use is for chat channels. All
newbies have access to the newbie channel. Normally, to talk on
the newbie channel, you would type:
newbie {message}
But with the alias command we can cut down on typing by declaring
an alias for the newbie channel. For example:
alias new newbie $*
Now, to talk on the newbie channel, all you have to type is:
new {message}
Another example: To get coins from a corpse, you normally type:
get coins from corpse
Now, set up the alias for it like this:
alias gcc get coins from corpse
Now, all you have to do is type: gcc
Alias command also makes you more effective in combat at those
higher levels when you have commands that can only be used once
every two turns (like shield bash for fighters).
To view all current aliases that you have type: alias
To check an alias type: alias
To remove an alias type: unalias
Here are a couple of more complex aliases.
alias kk alias k kill $*
Ex: alias kk alias k kill drizzt
Now just type k to kill drizzt
alias mm alias m cast *4 magic missile at $*
Ex: alias mm alias m cast *4 magic missile at drizzt
Now just type m to fire a magic missile at drizzt
++Drizzt - What can I say... I am lazy.
2. While you are casting a spell you cannot attack
3. Silent Casting and Move While Casting
4. Resisting a Spell
5. Summoning Spells
syntax: body
This is a status of the damage done to your limbs. This is not
like hp!!! The larger the damage value, the worse shape you are in.
After combat, type this command to make sure you are not missing any
limbs or have any crippled limbs! If you are wielding your sword in
your right hand and your right hand turns out to be crippled, you will
have to wait until you heal enough to use it again!
B. Describe Command
syntax: describe {your description here}
Adds a description that people will see when they look at you.
The description is shown in the form of "{your name} +
{your description}" If you just type describe, your description is
erased. Since this mud stresses role-playing, be creative and enter a
description. That way, you can add some atmosphere to the mud and this
may help you to get into character.
C. Protection Command
syntax: protection
protection limbs
Displays how well protected you are. "Protection" displays how
well you would fare against different types of damage (i.e. fire,
disruption, cutting, etc.). "Protection Limbs" shows how well each part
of your body is protected.
IX. Communication Commands:
A. Languages Command
syntax: languages
This command tells you all the languages you can speak. Common
is, of course, the universal language, though not everyone is fluent
in it. This can create some interesting conversations.
B. Mail Command
syntax: mail {player}
This command allows you to send mail to another player on DarkeMUD.
This can be done anywhere.You
can also read your mail by simply typing "mail".
C. Nickname Command
syntax: nickname {nickname} {real name}
Nickname will substitute real name for all occurrences of nick name
on your command line (except for the first word). This allows you to
use shortened words to refer to people, object, etc, rather than typing
long drawn out names. We'll use my name (Glorfindel) as an example.
nickname glor glorfindel
This would allow you to type just glor when talking to me.
To remove a nickname, just type:
unnickname {nickname}
To remove all nicknames, just type:
nickname reset
To list all your current nicknames, just type:
D. Say Command
syntax: say {message}
syntax: ' {message}
Ok, this command is very important on DarkeMUD. This command
allows you to interact with the mobs and players, especially mobs.
If you go into a shop, you can normally just type:
say shopkeeper, help
And the shopkeeper will respond to you with a list of commands,
usually. This is especially helpful, if you want to buy, sell, or
appraise something. Here are some examples:
To buy something: say shopkeeper, offer 65 gold for rich rations
say shopkeeper, offer 37 copper for torch
To sell something: say shopkeeper, sell ice sword
say shopkeeper, sell chain
To appraise an item: say shopkeeper, appraise helm
say shopkeeper, appraise shield
To get a list: say shopkeeper, list
Not all these commands work with all shopkeepers. Some shops do not
buy items back from players. If the shopkeeper doesn't respond,
try speaking in common. Some shopkeepers do understand languages
other than common. Shopkeepers are not the only mobs you will need to
speak to. Think carefully and try using key words, for example:
say {mob}, {key word}
E. Speak Command
syntax: speak {language}
This command allows you to speak any one of the languages that you
currently know.
F. Tell Command
syntax: tell {player/mob}
syntax: reply {message}
syntax: yell {message}
You have about 2 or 3 channels available to you at any one time.
Talking on these channels does not cost you mps! These are usually
out of character chat channels. At levels 1-3 you get newbie
channel. From levels 4+ you have darke channel. To talk on a
syntax: kill {player/mob}
syntax: wimpy [on/off]
syntax: wimpydir {direction}
syntax: alias - view current aliases
syntax: unalias {alias}
syntax: get {item/all}
syntax: give {item} to {player/mob}
syntax: drop
syntax: inventory
syntax: who [-o:{order} {race1} {race2}...]
syntax: money
syntax: nextreboot
syntax: score
syntax: status {on/off}
syntax: brief
syntax: follow {player}
syntax: look
syntax: peer {direction/exit}
syntax: quit
syntax: time
syntax: mudidea {idea}
syntax: bug
These commands are here to add atmosphere and character. Use them.
You can rebirth at certain temples located out on the world map, 3east of akkad
forexample. you suicide by typing 'rebirth' and you get to start all over. You don't keep exp,
quest points or anything, completely start over! Be careful, don't rebirth unless you really want
There is no syntax for this command, you will get information about
reincarnations if there will be any, not very common on Darke.
XV. Player Tips Last Modified 11/02/2002
Tells are telepathic communications that bypass the language
barrier, allowing you to speak with players and mobs. Tells cost you
magic points to use so be careful when you use this command.
G. Reply Command
This allows you to send a reply 'tell' to the last person that
sent a 'tell' to you. For example:
Glorfindel tells you: Beware greater demon is loose
in city!
reply Thanks for the warning!
Remember that replies are a form of 'tell' so these cost you mps
H. Yell Command
This sends a message to surrounding rooms. The sound does
dissipate over distance, however. This also costs mps to do.
I. Channels
newbie {message}
darke {message}
Note I would set up alias commands for your chat channels.
You also have a guild channel, just type:
{guild name} {message}
You can also have a group or party channel. To talk on those:
party line {message}
X. Combat Commands
A. Kill Command
XI. Control Commands
This command is fairly well self-explanatory. You use this command
to attempt to beat the snot out of something. For example:
kill snotling
B. Wimpy Command
This command toggles whether your wimpy mode is on or off. If it
is on, you will flee after taking a certain amount of damage. If it is
off you will only flee when you manually type a direction to flee.
Note you will flee in a random direction if your wimpy is on...unless
you set a direction with the next command...
C. Wimpydir Command
This command allows you to determine in which direction you will
go, when you flee. For example: if you type
wimpydir n
Your character will go north, if possible, when you flee.
D. Party Commands
This command accesses the various party enabling functions. The
person who forms any party is automatically the leader of the party.
Only that player may add or remove players. That player may also
designate another player as the party leader. Any party member may
leave the party at any time through the {party leave} function. A list
of all current members is given by the {party list} command, it also
tells you the levels of party members and their hp and mp status.
Experience is awarded based on the individual's level with respect to
the rest of the party.
A. Alias Command
V. Handling Commands:
alias {alias} {command} Set the verb alias to execute command
alias {alias} - check the value of {alias}
Substitution variables that exist are:
$# - Where # is the number of the word after the verb to sub.
$* - Will be substituted with everything after the verb.
B. Unalias Command
Removes an alias value.
A. Get Command
This command will have your character try to pick up the item
specified or if all is typed, it will make your character try to pick
up everything in the room. Some examples:
get all
get sword
get coins
get 500 copper from pile 2
B. Give Command
This command will make your character give an item in your
inventory to the player/mob specified. You must be in the same room
for this to occur. Some examples:
give shield to drizzt
give 5000 gold to drizzt
C. Drop Command
This command will make your character drop an item in your
inventory, or if all is typed, it will make your character drop all
items carried. NOTE: The mud has an auto-clean feature. This updates
rooms every 5 MIN!!! So, don't leave stuff on the ground for a long
time. This helps keep the memory down.
D. Inventory Command
This command will display all items in your inventory and whether
an item is worn or not. Shortened command version: i
XII. Information Commands
A. Who Command
XIII. Movement Commands
Lists all interactive users who belong to the races supplied,
or all users if no races are supplied.
The -def:{default-who} specifier changes your default who.
Ex: who -def:line makes your default who mode 'who -line'
With the -line specifier who will list users by name, position,
relative level and location on the mud
With the -short specifier who will list names of users logged on.
With the -normal specifier will change your who to normal if your
defaultwas different.
B. Money Command
Allows you to search your pockets for all your money of all
currency types.
C. Nextreboot Command
Tells you when the next reboot of the mud is scheduled.
D. Score Command
This command tells you information about your character, i.e.
quest points, experience points, level, hps, mps, etc.
E. Status Command
"Status on" will give you hp and mp reports every time either of
those change. "Status off" turns off the status report. Having this
on is good. "Status" displays hp, mp, and experience, once.
A. Brief Command
XIV. Misc Commands:
Turns brief mode on/off. With brief mode on, you get a shortened
description of the room and all available exits.
B. Follow Command
follow allow {player}
The 'follow {player}' command allows you to follow another player.
The 'follow allow {player}' command allows another player to follow
you. To stop following type: {follow stop} and you should stop
following that player.
C. Look Command
look at {item/player}
This command allows you to look around a room or look specifically
at an item or player.
D. Peer Command
Allows a player to see into another room without entering it, if
there is enough light to see by in that room.
A. Quit Command
You quit the game. Your character is automatically saved when you
quit. You keep all your money, but lose any equipment you had on you.
B. Time Command
Tells you the current mud time. Mud time runs about four times as
fast as real time.
C. Mudidea Command
Allows a player to log an idea for the mud.
D. Bug Command
Allows a player to log a bug report.
E. Feelings
applaud approve back bark beam
bearhug beep beg bing bird
bite bleed blink blow blush
boggle bomb bonk boo bounce
bow brb brbl breathe burp
butt buzz cackle calm can
caper car caress cheer chew
chirp choke chortle chuckle clap
comfort confuse congratulate coo cough
cower crack cringe crumble crumple
cry cshoulder cuddle curse curtsey
dance daydream die disagree doh
dream drool drum duck duh
emoan envy evade ew eye
faint fall fart fewt fiddle
fit flex flip flirt flop
flutter fondle foo frag freak
french froth frown frownc fume
gag gasp gawk gaze gibber
giggle gigglesnort gimme girn gleam
gloat goo grab grimace grin
grind groan grok grope grovel
growl grumble grunt gulp gwa
gwert handkiss hiccup hide high5
hold hop howl hug huh
hum ignore innocent jackoff jump
kiss lag lag2 laugh leer
lgrin lick listen lite love
lust madlaugh massage meditate melt
meow mgrin moan mock moo
mooch mosh mumble nibble nod
noogie nudge nuke nuzzle nyuck
object pace panic pant paranoid
pat pebble peck pet phew
picknose piddle pinch pinchbutt plead
point poke ponder pope pounce
pout preen primp puke punch
purr push putz puzzle quiver
raise razz recoil relax roar
roll rub ruffle run salute
scratch scream shake shares sheesh
shiver shrug shudder sigh slam
slap slurp smack smile smirk
smooch snap snarl sneer sneeze
snicker sniff sniffle snivel snob
snore snort snuggle soap sob
spank spit squeeze stagger stare
startle steam stomp strangle stretch
strip stroke strut sulk swear
sweat tackle tantrum tap taunt
tease thank think thumb thwap
tickle tingle tip toast tongue
touch tremble tsk twiddle twitch
waffle wail wait wave wax
welcome wgrin whew whiffle whimper
whine whistle wiggle wince wink
womble worship wrinkle yawn yes
yodel yuck
You can also get this list by typing "help feelings".
F. Suicide Command
G. Reincarnation Command
I. You appear in the church. Look at the world map and the city map to get
your bearings. Probably be handy to have a pencil and pad near you to
write important stuff down, like the coordinates of the city of Akkad.
Figure out where your guild is and go there and join the guild, see above
documentation on how to do that. Explore your guild. Find the treasury.
It costs 5 gold per level to enter the treasurey. All newbies will be
given some money when they join a guild. Type: money Ok, now go train
your skills. While you are training, if there is a skill that you don't
understand what it does exactly, type: help skill {skill name} Once you
are done training, yoy need to get armor and a weapon. Go to the weapon
shop and the armor shop and pick up stuff that you want your character
to wear, be careful though, your character can only carry so much
(determined by Strength stat)! Now that you have armor and a weapon or
two, you have to 'wear' your armor:
wear helm
wear cloak
wear bracer on right arm
wear bracer 2 on left arm
Now, wield your weapon in the hand that you favor:
wield longsword in right hand
wield two handed sword in left hand and right hand
Now, go to Slim's. That's the Adventurer's Shop. Buy food and a torch
or two if its night time (check time by typing: time or type: look at
sky). While you are at Slim's (Adventurer's Shop) buy a sextant. Look
at the sextant by typing: exa sextant The description will tell you
how to use it.
All right, now you are ready! If you are a mage or spellcaster of any
sort, it may be a good idea to party with a warrior type player, so that
way you don't get the snot beat out of you by jackrabbit in the plains!
As a newbie there are a few places for you to go (though more will come
up as time goes by, so check with other newbies on your newbie channel
to see if there are some new ones that I haven't mentioned here).
While in these areas, do not attack everything you see. Some of
the monsters are not for 1st level players. When possible, use your
consider skill to find out how tough a mob is. To do this type: use
consider at goblin The skill then will tell you how you compare to the
mob. The consider skill can be learned at your guild, all guilds have
this skill. Most of the zones are designed with parties in mind. So
remember that. If you decide to wander around the continent, like I did,
run away from will'o-wisps. If you see a demon...flee, especially if
you heard someone shout "Demon-lord on the loose in city" or something
like that. Ok, I don't want to spoil everything for you so this all the
tips you are going to get from me...BTW, if you attempt a quest, do NOT
ask another player, wiz, arch, or god anything about them. They are
meant to be puzzling.
Ohh yea, if you are bugging and nothing seems to work. Quit and come
back before you ask a wiz. 85% of the time this works.
If anything was left out... please mail
Above all, have fun. Good luck! See ya on the Darke Side!
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