well for guards it'd be easy to make a basic guard IA, make guards be friends with all npcs from a town, ie make a SetTown("Akkad") then all npcs in Akkad get that, and then the SetFriend checks SetTown, makes all guards protect npcs from the town, making a path for guards to wander should be easy, most nightmare libs have SetWander() so I would just give it a SetWander(2) so it slowly moves to any room, not a specific path, then to prevent them from exiting the towns you can add a preexit check to the gates to check for SetTown(), since only npcs from that town should have that property that way it wouldn't stop pets from moving. Also i would add a wanted system, so guards will attack pcs that are wanted in the town, maybe if you kill too many guards you get automatically added and players can petition for players to be added due to crimes. lantern lighting mobs would be easy to make as well, just have a mob wander and like every 40 HBs check to see if a lantern or light is in the room and have it light a lantern. I think though all the towns will need more and stronger guards, like if low lvl guards start dying, higher level and stronger ones come out of the guardhouse. start a bar fight, the barkeeper has a chance to call for guards. just a few thoughts