While I'm all for no limits (or at least lax limits), it seems strange to me that there's no drawback to having 10 runes on an item. Were there ever any ways to mediate the change discussed? Just a few possibilities off the top of my head here:
1) Perhaps a size restriction?
Rings can only have 2 runes but breastplates can have 8.
b) Or an interaction restriction?
The fire rune cools if an ice rune is added, but the latter rune retains its original strength.
3) Or a scaled rather than static skill bump?
The first through third runes each add 13.5% to the requirement, but the fourth through sixth adds 13.5%+(small random amount) for each previous rune.
4) Or only full combat guilds have the affinity to wield/wear any number of runes?
Full combat can use any number of runes, semi-spellcaster can use up to six, full caster can use three or fewer.
This change might not actually have much impact at all, and so doesn't need mediation, but I'm concerned that these changes weren't made with very much user-level feedback, numbers running, or usage testing.