Originally Posted By: Charon
Should get Harold to finish up Dregan's ;\)
Also SW and I had a quick interesting discussion on the random dungeon generator.

Imagine if you could form a party, enter a random themed dungeon filled with random mobs from a particular theme.

Wylliam created an NPC generator that's great and creates mobs that are similar to player characters that could also inhabit the area. For example you turn around a corner and there could be a couple of Demon Lord spelled up CLs waiting for you with a few pets.

Not to mention that every level would get more and more difficult.

Add in some sort of party-xp system and the risk would be worth the (good) chance of death.

There would of course be checks and balances to ensure that we don't have 3 level 60s and a level 10.... etc.

Anyways, just an idea.. but that would certainly be something HMs could look forward to.

It sounds clever technically, but rather breaking the spirit of the MUD as a consistent world. In a sense, it's too video game-ish, rather than a part of a coherent world.

I'm in favour of new areas that are intelligent and have realistic mobs...but not in this format, where you get a random theme and random creatures. Maybe it's simply personal preference, but I like areas crafted to be something specific rather than random-adventure generators.